Kenneth Propp

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  • Kenneth Propp


Gentlemen’s Rules for Reading Each Other’s Mail: The New OECD Principles on Government Access to Personal Data Held by Private Sector Entities

In 1928, U.S. Secretary of State Henry Stimson famously shut down an intelligence program that deciphered encrypted international cables, indignantly proclaiming that “a gentleman doesn’t...

Has the Time for an EU-U.S. Agreement on E-Evidence Come and Gone?

In 2018, the United States and the European Union each set out to reinvent the creaky international system for making electronic evidence stored in one...

Cultivating Europe’s Data Garden

On February 23, the European Commission proposed the Data Act, the latest in an ambitious set of legislative proposals governing access to and use of...

Progress on Transatlantic Data Transfers? The Picture After the US-EU Summit

President Biden’s June 15 summit meeting in Brussels with EU leadership put cooperation on technology and trade at the forefront of the transatlantic relationship, but...

European Court of Justice Opinion Clouds Future of Transatlantic Commercial Data Transfers

On Thursday, Dec. 19, the Court of Justice of the European Union (CJEU) issued a long-awaited preliminary opinion on whether U.S. surveillance laws violate the...